Holy Week 2023 began for Christians for Jewish persons Passover Week. Fellow observers of either or Happy Holy Week, Passover Week, and Palm Sunday.
There are several autobiographical cinematic constructs that are commanding.
Rotten Tomatoes
I have posted on the film prior. It speaks on the life of a journalist that was a vigorous atheist that eventually converted to Christianity following his pursuit to dispprove Christ which rather historically demonstrated that Christ in fact not merely lived but the scientific and archeological evidence revealed beyond doubt the professions of the Bible are factual.
The other there is the quitessential cinematic portrayal of Passover The 10 Commandments
Paramount Pictures
There have been numberless historical depictions as well as documentaries on the subject of Moses, the Passover, so on and so forth.
Bible Collection
Albeit the film wasn't theologically rooted nor sound the Opening and Plagues scene was a formidable portrayal of the occurence.
Seth Michael
Bar-IIan University
Visual Scriptures